
corriere della sera中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • We always need fresh meat " he responded in corriere della sera
    我们总是需要新鲜的肉类。 ”
  • We always need fresh meat , " he responded in corriere della sera
    我们总是需要新鲜的肉类。 ”
  • But few italians ( barely a fifth , said a poll in corriere della sera ) expect it to see out its five - year term
  • " it ' s the most grandiose , caricatural , corrosive demolition of the image of the italian mamma , " said italy ' s leading daily corriere della sera
    意大利主要日报corriere della sera说: “这是对意大利母亲形象最浮夸讽刺性的诋毁” 。
  • Corriere della sera says juve know they can ' t compete with their spanish rivals in an outright cash auction for ronaldo and instead are prepared to offer star goalkeeper gigi buffon in a swap for the wing wizard
  • Italian police arrested a jealous husband in the north of the country who forced his young wife to stay at home for two years because she was " too lively " to be let outside . " she was too lively . she absolutely had to be locked up otherwise who knows what she might have done , " egyptian immigrant emad zied , 31 , was quoted as saying in corriere della sera daily newspaper on wednesday
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