We always need fresh meat " he responded in corriere della sera 我们总是需要新鲜的肉类。 ”
We always need fresh meat , " he responded in corriere della sera 我们总是需要新鲜的肉类。 ”
But few italians ( barely a fifth , said a poll in corriere della sera ) expect it to see out its five - year term 但是多数人(根据意大利晚邮报一份民调显示,大约也就五分之一的民众对其前途持乐观态度)均不看好其能够执政届满5年的任期。
" it ' s the most grandiose , caricatural , corrosive demolition of the image of the italian mamma , " said italy ' s leading daily corriere della sera 意大利主要日报corriere della sera说: “这是对意大利母亲形象最浮夸讽刺性的诋毁” 。
Corriere della sera says juve know they can ' t compete with their spanish rivals in an outright cash auction for ronaldo and instead are prepared to offer star goalkeeper gigi buffon in a swap for the wing wizard 尤文已有一个代表团到达伦敦,包括体育主管塞科,激发了推测,他们在和曼联商谈海因策和c罗。
Italian police arrested a jealous husband in the north of the country who forced his young wife to stay at home for two years because she was " too lively " to be let outside . " she was too lively . she absolutely had to be locked up otherwise who knows what she might have done , " egyptian immigrant emad zied , 31 , was quoted as saying in corriere della sera daily newspaper on wednesday 意大利警方于近日在该国北部城市克莱马逮捕了一名男子,这位“醋坛子”丈夫将自己年轻的妻子关在家中长达两年之久,而促使他做出如此举动的原因竟然是因为他的妻子“总是表现得过于活跃”以至于无法让她单独外出。